Dates for Slogra
By Ashley.
(Arrangment and Slogra reaction by me.)
Annette: Forget Richter! I want Slogra!
Maria: No, sister... I get him!!!
Sypha: I can heat his heart!
Succubus: I am prettier! You guys don't deserve him!
Carmilla: Shut up! I am cuter!
Princess of Moths: Behold my beauty and nice dress!
Liz: No, mine!
Scylla: I'm going out with Gaibon...why am I here?
(Slogra, with his could-be daughter and dog)
Slogra: AAARRGH! A cute and sweet little girl! I'm getting
cavities and I don't have any teeth!!!
Cerberus: WoofWoofWoof. Nownownow givegivegive mememe
somesomesome foodfoodfood!