Cool Character for a While


Two skeletons and a whatever skull.

Here is an odd combination of creatures. It is the Mobile Bone Pillar in Japan, and Bone Ark in the U.S. There are two skeleton priests who carry this shrine to the skull of an unknown creature. What is it? A dinosaur? Dragon? Cow? Anyway, these two, seemingly dancing to the beat of the music, walk onto the scene carrying this thing. They'll let it down, as you see here, and the skull will charge for it's awesome light show of a thunder attack. The energy builds up in the skull, it spits out a ball, and all of this magical spectacle takes place, with major damage to you possible. If you defeat the two carriers, that wooden thing onto which the skull is attached, will just fall with the gravity. With no carriers present, the dragon skull with just lie there, bobbing up and down. If you destroy the skull when it's being carried, the two priests will retreat, and run for their lives with some Konami humor!


Who's next here (after Malachi)? Mail me!


Past Cool Guys:

Fire Demon

Legion \ Granfalloon
Owl Knight and Friends
Count Dracula
Grim Reaper
Giant Green Armor (Sword Lord)
Heads: Dracula's Second Form
Maria Renard