D E S U ! !

I had written this in the April 9, 2001 update of Dracula's Curse:

"CV in the News...or not...?
Yeah, remember that term I coined, "DreamCastleVania"? It's now used widely in Online World of Gaming News. I receive zip credit. Eat me, Online World of Gaming News Inc.
Also, why is it that videogame magazines and such are on this "CastleVania is the most notable game in history da da da da da here's a retrospective deh deh deh deh deh" tip only when a new CastleVania comes along? Last time I (checked/shut off Super CastleVania IV), CastleVania STILL IS the most notable game in history. And as a bonus misery, neither decent sites The CastleVania Dungeon nor Dracula's Curse get any mention in those bigwig publications? (What if I was mentioned...they'd contact me, wouldn't they?) Screw them. They do see us. So does Konami. Our not-exactly-legal CV sites being ignored by Konami is fine by me, but when it comes to those corrupted game heads like GamePro and such who are allegedly on top of things when it comes to gaming (they even printed the address to the dubbed AYB movie),, I, see right back at them. You're blind, Gaming Publications Inc."

Well, not long after, an update to The CastleVania Dungeon on April 14, tells us...

"The Castlevania Dungeon now has the honor of being Expert Gamer's Website of the Month in the May issue! Check out the article here. I'm incredibly honored to actually make it in a print magazine! Woohoo!"

I ran across Kurt Kalata on my side of the ISPs, and we talked about his making press as well as CircleVania... It went like this...

DCTP Intabyu Desu: Kurt Kalata
SITE DATA: The CastleVania Dungeon:

Sinyaso: Congraturation!

Kurt1981: yay happy!

Sinyaso: How does it feel to make some PRESS?

Sinyaso: Finally.

Kurt1981: very cool indeed! ^_^

Kurt1981: oh, didja try CoTM yet?

Sinyaso: Not yet. Onna these days.


Sinyaso: Thanks for your interview!

Are you interviewable?

And when this happens to DCTP, you'll be the first to know.