The music of this exquisite game was like none other heard at the time when it came out. The drums! The drums! The beats! The sounds! It was pretty good. First, a list of links to .wav files of a few background themes. Then, a list of my favorite MIDI renditions of the Dracula's Curse sound track. Oh, and the code is 'Hit Start while pressing both A and B at the Title Screen', you don't have to use Select. |
What's so wrong with waves?
Rest in Pieces, Nabstar. Wah hah haaah... >)
Warakiya Village
Clock Tower of Untimely Death
Curse Castle, Tower of Terror
Stream: Curse
Castle, Aqueducts
Overture: Dracula Fight
My favorite renditions of CastleVania music, arranged by listing in the game's Sound Mode. Did you write these midis? Let me know and you'll get the credit, midi dudes!Beginning Mad Forest Aquarius Deja Vu Riddle |
BONUS MIDI! Beginning- from the album Perfect Selection Dracula Battle. By Ricoberto Dones. Back for the Title Screen Mode Last Edited: June 6, 2009 |