It was a marvelous fight.




But it was only a victory for Count Dracula's Darkness.

A panting Gaibon stands over the bloody and charred carcass of Simon Belmont, the vampire killer's torso torn open.

The Mystic Whip, handed down from generation aft, is in Simon's hand. His hand on his arm, and his arm is several feet away from his body, the Gaibon drips Belmont's blood from his jaws and claws. Gaibon looks at the scene.

The stone floor is patched with red silk screens of blood. The Belmont's head is frozen in a silent scream, yet the most awesome wailing anyone has EVER heard.

This one blue monstrosity of a gargoyle looks at his bloody claws, pulling them away from view to look at the silently screaming head.

He turns his head to look at the outside world, under the light of the moon, as the moon appears to be covered by blood.

Without the Belmont Clan, the world will never again be the same.


Count Dracula's Darkness spreads throughout the countryside, and throughout the world. It spread too quickly for the humans to react. Darkness seduces every continent and every island and ocean in the world.

It is because of this blue monster, Gaibon, that man is in suffering, why man was never really achieved his goals, nor has man learned that he is capable of his own demise.


The immortal Vampire King, Count Dracula continues to terrorize the planet for centuries and millennia afterward. With no advance, the world is stagnant as it curdles in Pure Evil and Darkness.

The 1700's...

The 1800's...

The 1900's...

The second millenium...

The 2100's...

The 2200's...

The 2300's...

The 2400's...

There is no God,...

The 2500's...

Nor is there a Devil...

The third millenium, and the fourth...

The 4100's...

There is no Heaven...

The 4200's...

There is no Hell...

The 4300's...

There is no Salvation...

The 4400's...

There is no Hope...

The 4500's...

There is no Light...

The 4600's...

There is no Escape...

The 4700's...

The 4800's...

The year 4997...

There is only Count Dracula.



