It was said that storyboards were first developed when Steven Spielberg was working on his famous Shark Tale. I think it was called MOUTHS. He had figured to use comic-panel
images to visually express his script before the cast and expensive
fish robot hit the water. I'd imagine someone would've figured this out before nearly 100 years' worth of film had passed through the reels. I might not be Steve, but I create storyboards to get an idea of my movie's look just the same. Jump
to... Shin ParoVania Of all the attempts to correct the mistakes of the original ParoVadius, Shin ParoVania was to be its truest and best retelling. The title comes from the Shin Dracula X hoax of 2000, and ParoVania, which ParoVadius was originally known as. In this case, "shin" is Japanese for "true". My friend Jason Gaines had a big part in the creation of Shin ParoVania's story, as well as The Incredible Rambling Shyguy, who introduced the idea of integrating Treasure's games (Silhouette Mirage, Gunstar Heroes, Alien Soldier, Dynamite Headdy) into the story. Storyboard beta - A rough representation of a scene in which Richter Belmont, defending Konami World from a rain of moon-bits, has whip-uppercutted himself into space. Storyboard 1- Following the decimation of The Moon by a hijacked satellite, Konami World City is hammered by its fragments, Armageddon-style. Storyboard 2- Princess Meloura's newscast is cut off, interrupting Slogra and Pure's evening cuddle time (?!?!). Pure decides to try a trick to fix it, and Slogra tosses the remote at her. Just then, Gaibon pounds at their door, delivering the startling news that Konami World City is being bombarded. All watch from outside the house as the city burns beneath a broken Moon. Storyboard 3- The prologue to Shin ParoVania. Thousands of miles above Konami World, the Unmanned Space Defense Observatory, Konami Space Satellite FURANO (named for Jun Furano, whose name appears many times in the credits of Super CastleVania IV, Slogra's debut) is towing a firey comet away from Konami World. Going down a Contra-style hallway to its control center, we are just in time to witness the Master Computer as it goes berserk. The fireball is slung towards The Moon for a wounding direct hit. Storyboard 4- This storyboard is an extended explanation of how the Master Computer goes from normal to viral. The eye tracks back and forth, entering and leaving the frame. Suddenly, it vanishes, and when it returns a moment later, the eye has been replaced with a familiar visage; STAC! A warning blares. Storyboard 5- These next two storyboard pages regard Richter's encounter with STAC. After smashing so many fragments of The Moon with his whip uppercut, Richter finds himself floating above Konami World near the mavericked satellite. (For some reason) Richter is about to charge up an attack on it just when he is captured by its laser lasso and drawn in. The camera follows him into the dark room of the Master Computer. Classic Richter/Evil Guy dialogue ensues;
Storyboard 6- Following a showy display of effects, STAC fires a small canister at Richter, which bounces off his face. He taunts STAC's poor attack, and the visage informs him of the time bomb that just whacked him across the face. Richter is slow to respond and KSS FURANO is engulfed in destructive light. Wreckage falls to Konami World, and Richter's toasted body plummets into a dumpster at Fresh Kills. Polly Peeper, a Treasure World citizen left behind during Treasure's exodus long ago, investigates the sudden thud. Rising from the heap of rubbish is a shadowy body with STAC's visage. Polly screams. ReVival of ParoVadius; Latter Part ReVival of ParoVadius; Latter Part, schemed around the same time as Shin ParoVania, was going to properly continue where the original ParoVadius left off, as soon as it was remodeled into ReVival of ParoVadius; Former Part, now known as the ultimate survivor of the ParoVadius remixing, ParoVadius RESET. Some of the events of Latter Part will be told in the forthcoming ParoVadius CONTINUE. Storyboard 1- Not much different from the script of ParoVadius CONTINUE up to a certain point. Slogaibon has caught up with BASE-ARE, STAC's Evil Satellite, and sends the Spear of Slogritude its way, which misses, wrecking another part of the city. He flies in for a better shot, but is too close and gets walloped by his own firepower. Sypha, Browny, Vic Viper and Twinbee show up and corner him. Slogaibon identifies himself as Slogra, but Sypha doesn't buy it. Storyboard 2- Slogaibon orders the team to fire upon the evil one, and they let him have it. Upon hitting the ground, Slogaibon is split into Slogra and Gaibon. Firebrand, the red demon of Capcom World, shows up to explain the origins of the satellite, and Gaibon proposes they all combine their powers to go after it. The three pay a visit to Dr. Geo Mandrake, who combines Slogra, Gaibon, and Firebrand into The Real Power, SLOGARIMAIBON!!! Storyboard 3a- Slogarimaibon is launched into space. The rest of the page is dedicated to related doodles, including Anapan's original version of a Parodius-bound winged Slogra which helped to inspire the original ParoVadius. MISCMIX DEVIL/BLADES- You know it better as One of THOSE Days.... DEVIL/BLADES is named after the Rainbow Cemetery tune I was digging at the time I had the idea for this movie. Zelfmoord'- Quickly roughed-out storyboard for the Zelfmoord II sequel which eventually became FREE PREVIEW. |