In 1990-1991, during the 5th grade, my teacher Ms. Casella made the class write journals. A journal, as you know, is another word for a diary or any type of written personal chronicle. I was just getting into CastleVania (Adventure and 3) at the time, so they were given some mention in the now-yellowing 'Composition Book'. Read up on these ancient CastleVania-related journal entries! POWER UP BONUS! Original text, complete with line breaks, day titles, sign offs, bad spelling, AND comments from me in [size '2' text with brackets!]
Play Day Sept
14, 1990 [The above series of
quips were words we used to catagorize something as being really cool.
Dope, huh?]
[In the CastleVania
Adventure instruction book, which I last saw in 1991, the bosses and Zeldo
enemy were given a "Prime Evil" notation beneath their name. Back in the
day, I understood this as the reason why they all took away 2 energy bars
when they hit you. Perhaps Zeldo was intended to be a Prime Evil and was
replaced by the Under Moles?] [The war mentioned in this entry was that Gulf War Desert Storm skirmish.] Yes!,Yes!,
Yes!, Yes!, YYYEEESSS!!!,,,! Well folks, you are now coming to the end of another chamber of memory lane. Maybe I should have written more? Even writing paragraphs was murderous back then...numerous CastleVaniacs have agreed with me on this one. |
Get back! Don't make me have to write you up!
Last Edited: Monday, September 3, 2001