1990-1991, during the 5th grade, my teacher Ms. Casella made the class
write journals. A journal, as you know, is another word for a diary or
any type of written personal chronicle. I was just getting into CastleVania
(Adventure and 3) at the time, so they were given some mention in the
now-yellowing 'Composition Book'.
Read up on these ancient CastleVania-related
journal entries! POWER UP BONUS! Original text, complete with line breaks,
day titles, sign offs, bad spelling, AND comments from me in [size
'2' text with brackets!]
Play Day Sept
14, 1990
Today was a better day! When I went
home I played with Thuner. After th-
at I played with Game Boy ©. The name
of the game: Castlevania-The Advent-
ure ©. I made it up to stage 4. I died
when a Gobanz threw his arm at
me. For tomorrow I'm planning to kill (over)
Dracula, and the night will be safe
again. BUT!!!! For how long?
Eric Roman
[Thuner, rather, Thunder, was my Cocker Spaniel. He was
(Oh jap!) (Oh Dope!) (oh fresh!)
In vania I made it up to dracula!
Man! He's hard! He is invincible for a
short time, and when he opens his arms
meteors come out! I tell you he's hard!
Sincerely, Eric
[The above series of
quips were words we used to catagorize something as being really cool.
Dope, huh?]
30. 1990
Game Boy II
In vania I made it up to dracuks---
[Entry never finished; the whole thing was crossed out
for reasons forgotten.]
Game By )II2( Nov-28-1990
In Castlevina I baet Dracula and The Bat But the
Bat is very hard. Little primevil bats come out of his
mouth. The castle looks like a gigantic tree with a lot
of windows. And you beat him!
![[Doodle of Belmont hitting a GIANT bat spitting out Prime Evil Bats]](gernalfantom.jpg)
[In the CastleVania
Adventure instruction book, which I last saw in 1991, the bosses and Zeldo
enemy were given a "Prime Evil" notation beneath their name. Back in the
day, I understood this as the reason why they all took away 2 energy bars
when they hit you. Perhaps Zeldo was intended to be a Prime Evil and was
replaced by the Under Moles?]
Castle Vania 3 Feb 15, 1991
I just got the most popular game(The war is
ending!). Castlevania3 Draculas Curse! It's a weird
game! You can turn into different "partner spirits".
Like, Grant Da Nasty, the ghost pirate, Alucard, Dracula's
forgotten son, (say alucarD backwards, and you get
Dracula!)and, Syha Belandes, the mystic warlord of
warykia! And the games' star, Simon Belmont's fore-
father, Trevor C. Belmont! There are new enemies
in this game!
Sincerely, Eric
![[Skull Knight, Trevor, Grant, Syha, and Alucard blasting a Dragon Skull Cannon!]](gernalcv3.jpg)
[The war mentioned in this entry was
that Gulf War Desert Storm skirmish.]
Yes!, Yes!, YYYEEESSS!!!,,,!
27, 1991
I got my nitendo back. I'm gonna play, play, play,
and play during easter vacation. It's a haf -a -
day.Because IN A FEW Minutes I'm gonna goto church
and the hommer time!
P.U. ( I mean P.S.!)
I'm am going to have fun for 11 dayss man! Castle
Wania 3 is on the Bottom.
![[A scene from the Clock Tower of Untimely Death]](gernaleaster.jpg)
Well folks, you are now
coming to the end of another chamber of memory lane. Maybe I should have
written more? Even writing paragraphs was murderous back then...numerous
CastleVaniacs have agreed with me on this one.