Super Joey V Cousin

Who's tha baddest mutha effah around?Hailing from My Little Island of Puerto Rico, Joey V made his presence known in early 2001, e-mailing me about some musical allusions in CastleVania: Symphony of the Night for Groovy-Type Stuff. He followed up with extensive reports of further curiosities in the reference-packed instant-classic, for which he was dedicated his own Miscmix section, for the March 18th, 2001 update.

Along the way, Joey V dropped several Humor Me bits, going so far as to call in THE GHOSTBUSTERS to clean up the countryside! Check 'em all out, then hit Joey's Quarters for even more CV-ness!


01. Good vs. Evil- The battle lines have been drawn. The greatest vampire hunters of all time have assembled to square off against Evil once and for all! One thing's for certain; Dracula's end is gonna hurt REALLY BAD! By Joey V.

02. Beach Bunnies- Succubus and Sheeva are ready to hit the waves in this pin-up that might've been left behind in Evil's locker room... Found by Joey V.

03. Invasion- A well-known Puerto Rican gossip reporter dude describes a horrible massacre! Will the Americans be able to help?! By Joey V.

04. Kromagg Belmont- If the Neanderthals tried a little harder, the hero of Dracula X might've looked a little different... By Joey V.

05. SHAFT!!!!!!!- Who's the baddest muthafluffa in CastleVania? SHAFT! By Joey V.

06. They're here to save the world!- Radical! Who'd win in a fight between CastleVania and GHOSTBUSTERS?! By Joey V!

07. The CastleVania: Dracula X Multiverse- Joey V rigs the Dracula X map to resemble the Symphony scenario!

08. And even more Fake CV Pictures- Because it sets itself apart from his other screensnap mods and is as cool as Willow_Weedwacker's CastleVania Invasion, I just had to post Joey V's sixth round of Fake CastleVania Pictures here. THRILL to Richter's battle against a Wyvern in downtown San Diego! CHECK OUT That Other Guy from NU CastleVania as he goes for his afternoon walk! TAKE White Skeleton's suggestion of HAVE A BEER, with the Werewolf Dude, a two-headed atrocity from a CV game I've not played, Wall Corpse, and Harpy! YOU WILL NOT SURVIVE Super CastleVania's Stage B-2 re-cast with a whole slew of CV dudes! BEWARE! Or you will be coralled by Shaft and pals to be dined upon by Vampira!
This is a large file...I'm not exactly sure why, but when I trimmed it and rearranged it for a better, less kb and less whitespace picture, Photoshop gaily upped the file's size from 259kb to 306kb at quality level 3, so...if this original's arrangement looks's so you don't waste the extra 10 seconds downloading the bigger one. This is still a cool set!

09. Paradox 1 - 2
CastleVania goes Back to the Future in this absolutely crazy comic by Joey V.

10. Indiana Jones and the curse of CastleVania- You don't need to be an expert at Puru-Puru Magic to figure out why a crossover like this would be so cool...Harrison Ford has a freakin' WHIP! This was originally sent in a long time ago, but I've finally been able to tape it together with parts built by pic author Joey V!


11. CastleVania InVades Puerto Rico- This troubling image is Joey V's latest photographic report on the status of CastleVania's step into the real world. So far, it looks like they've penetrated into his home town of Aguadilla, Puerto Rico! It also looks like it's time for Joey V to do some serious cleanup work! GOOD LUCK, primo!

Created: June 13, 2008
Debuted: June 5, 2009
Last Edited: June 5, 2009